Welcome to the CIL & S106 Contributions Dashboard
This module will allow you to see the planning data from Maidstone Borough Council in an interface powered by EXACOM . All information shown here has been approved by Maidstone Borough Council, and the extent of the information available to the public is also controlled entirely by the authority. Key features include the local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) dashboard, the Section 106 dashboard, the application lookup facility, and the CIL calculator. Below is a message from Maidstone Borough Council:
Message from Maidstone Borough Council
Welcome to our CIL & S106 contributions dashboard.
You can search for CIL & S106 contributions information. You can view data in relation to your parish, ward or district area and find out:
How much CIL and S106 income has been received
Funds that have been spent on infrastructure projects
Funds that have been allocated to parishes for spending
User Guides
Before beginning, please read the below user guides on how to search for the CIL or S106 information.
CIL user guide click here
S106 user guide click here
We have also created a video guide to provide assistance, please click on the relevant link below:
CIL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i1eKY-rWQg
S106: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4NeTYplWYY
Ready to Start Searching?
Above is the blue home button, next to this select either the CIL or S106 button.
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
CIL is a non-negotiable financial levy we can charge on new floor space to help deliver infrastructure to support development in their area. CIL is levied on each square metre of new floorspace and is measured by the gross internal area (GIA). Maidstone Borough Council CIL Charging Schedule was effective from 1 October 2018. Please note, CIL is triggered by commencement; payments may be made by instalment in accordance with the adopted Instalment Policy.
What are S106s?
Section 106 agreements under section 106 (S106) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 are legally binding documents agreed between local planning authorities and persons with an interest in the land. S106 agreements contain planning obligations to secure works or funding to make a development acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable.
These are known as S106 contributions. Since the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy, S106 contributions only deal with site-specific matters such as affordable housing provision, open space and play space.
S106 agreements are a land charge meaning the liability for obligations (unless breached by a previous owner) run with the land and transfers to any new landowner.
This website will update daily.
Any Queries?
For CIL queries, please email: CIL@maidstone.gov.uk
For S106 queries, please email: S106@maidstone.gov.uk
Last updated: 28 March 2025 17:44:57 (UK)