Project Reference
Project 1: Havant Footbridge Replacement Feasibility Study | | | | |
Project 2: SDMP Bankers APP/16/00465 | | | | |
Project 3: SDMP Bankers APP/16/00327 and APP/16/01217 | | | | |
Project 4: SDMP Bankers APP/16/01217 | | | | |
Project 5: Langstone FCERM | | | | |
Project 6: Southmoor Lane Harts Farm Way Junction Improvements | | | | |
Project 7: Havant Railway Footbridge Replacement | | | | |
Project 8: The Hub HICCA | Hayling West | | | |
Project 9: Northney Coastal Path | Hayling East | | | |
Project 10: CIL Admin transfer year end 2014 | | | | |
Project 11: CIL Admin transfer year end 2015 | | | | |
Project 12: CIL Admin transfer year end 2016 | | | | |
Project 13: CIL Admin transfer year end 2017 | | | | |
Project 14: SRMP Bankers APP/16/00379 | | | | |
Project 15: Education Contribution to HCC | | | | |
Project 16: SDMP Bankers APP/17/00311 | | | | |
Project 17: SDMP Bankers APP/16/00347 | | | | |
Project 18: CIL Admin transfer year end 2018 | | | | |
Project 20: Warblington Footbridge | | | | |
Project 21: Bushy Lease Strategic Sustainable Access Route (CIL and S106) | Barncroft | | Leigh Park | |
Project 22: Hambledon Rd/Milton Rd Safety Improvements | | | | |
Project 23: Rusty Cutter Link Road Active Travel Improvements | | | | |
Project 24: Upgrade of Footpath 521 to Shared Use | Hayling West | | | |
Project 25: Solent Way Upgrade Project | Emsworth | | | |
Project 26: Waterlooville Pavilion Feasibility Study | Waterloo | | | |
Project 27: Drainage Hobby Close Field | Hart Plain | | | |
Project 28: The Spring Arts Centre Air Conditioning | St Faith's | | | |
Project 29: Emsworth Community Centre Lighting | Emsworth | | | |
Project 30: Waterlooville Community Centre Improvement | Waterloo | | | |
Project 31: Pallant Centre Lift | | | | |
Project 32: SDMP Bankers APP/17/00529 | | | | |
Project 33: SRMP Monitoring Fee APP/16/00568 | | | | |
Project 34: Hayling Ferry Bus Project | Hayling West | | | |
Project 35: SDMP Bankers APP/16/00464 | | | | |
Project 36: SRMP Bankers APP/17/00369 | | | | |
Project 37: SRMP Bankers APP/16/00568 | | | | |
Project 38: Monitoring Fee APP/16/00465 | | | | |
Project 39: Monitoring Fee APP/16/00464 | | | | |
Project 42: Monitoring Fee APP/15/00772 | | | | |
Project 43: Monitoring Fee APP/16/00568 | | | | |
Project 44: Monitoring Fee APP/16/00379 | | | | |
Project 45: Monitoring Fee APP/15/00896 | | | | |
Project 46: Monitoring Fee APP/16/00347 | | | | |
Project 47: Monitoring Fee APP/16/01217 | | | | |
Project 48: Monitoring Fee APP/14/00420 | | | | |
Project 49: Monitoring Fee APP/16/00492 | | | | |
Project 50: Monitoring Fee APP/14/00547 | | | | |
Project 51: Monitoring Fee APP/17/00311 | | | | |
Project 55: STRIDE CENTRE ASSET TRANSFER 123 LIST | St Faith's | | | |
Project 56: STRIDE CENTRE ASSET TRANSFER NP | St Faith's | | | |
Project 57: SDMP Bankers APP/14/00547 | | | | |
Project 58: SDMP Bankers APP/14/00863 | | | | |
Project 59: Travel Plan Monitoring APP/14/00863 | | | | |
Project 60: SRMS Bankers APP/17/01293 | | | | |
Project 61: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00171 | | | | |
Project 62: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00443 | | | | |
Project 63: Hooks Row - Shared Pedestrian and Cycle Link | Barncroft | | Leigh Park | |
Project 64: Park Road Corridor Feasibility | | | | |
Project 65: Elmleigh Road Pedestrian and Cycle Improvement | | | | |
Project 66: Waterlooville Town Centre London Road Shared Cycleway (abandoned) | | | | |
Project 67: Milton Road Roundabout Accessibility and Safety | | | | |
Project 68: Waterlooville to Denmead Active Travel Corridor | | | | |
Project 69: Warblington Interchange Feasibility | | | | |
Project 70: HIADS Ltd (Lobby) | Hayling West | | | |
Project 71: Age Concern Kitchen Renovation | Hayling East | | | |
Project 73: Hayling Sports Centre Extension (abandoned) | Hayling East | | | |
Project 74: Acorn Centre Extension (Pre-Project Funding) | Hart Plain | | | |
Project 75: Making St Faiths Accessible to All | St Faith's | | | |
Project 77: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01198 | | | | |
Project 78: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01270 | | | | |
Project 79: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00803 | | | | |
Project 80: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01092 | | | | |
Project 81: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00500 | | | | |
Project 82: SRMP Bankers APP/15/00303 | | | | |
Project 83: Leigh Park Community Centre Refurbishments | Battins | | | |
Project 84: CIL Admin transfer year end 2019 | | | | |
Project 85: SRMP Bankers APP/16/00492 | | | | |
Project 86: Feasibility Study re MUGA Hooks Lane etc | | | | |
Project 87: SRMP Bankers APP/16/00921 | | | | |
Project 88: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01074 | | | | |
Project 89: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00020 | | | | |
Project 90: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00385 | | | | |
Project 91: SRMP Bankers APP/16/00060 | | | | |
Project 92: SRMP Bankers APP/17/01141 | | | | |
Project 93: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00501 | | | | |
Project 94: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00720 | | | | |
Project 95: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00380 | | | | |
Project 96: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00067 | | | | |
Project 97: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00566 | | | | |
Project 98: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01245 | | | | |
Project 99: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00096 | | | | |
Project 100: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01191 | | | | |
Project 101: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00394 | | | | |
Project 102: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00533 | | | | |
Project 103: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00628 | | | | |
Project 104: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00854 | | | | |
Project 105: Bedhampton MUGA Conversion (105 and 72) | Bedhampton | | | |
Project 106: Langstone Roundabout Capacity (abandoned) | | | | |
Project 107: Havant Park Feasibility | | | | |
Project 108: Future of Hayling Billy Trail inc. Preliminary Design and partial scheme delivery | | | | |
Project 109: Waterlooville to A3M Cycle Network Improvement | | | | |
Project 110: Asda Roundabout to Bushy Lease Cycle Feasibility (abandoned) | | | | |
Project 111: Park Lane Bridleway Feasibility (abandoned) | | | | |
Project 112: Leisure Investment Feasibility | | | | |
Project 113: Reconstruction of Hayling Billy Feasibility | | | | |
Project 114: Sporting Development Havant College | St Faith's | | | |
Project 115: Transforming Cities TCF | | | | |
Project 116: Brambles Farm Link | | | | |
Project 117: Emsworth Mens Shed | Emsworth | | | |
Project 118: Emsworth Museum Cabinet/s | Emsworth | | | |
Project 119: Artificial Turf Various Schemes (CIL) | Unallocated | | | |
Project 120: Redlands Grange Nursery Feasibility | Emsworth | | | |
Project 121: Hayling Island Bowls Club Green | Hayling West | | | |
Project 122: Updating Hewitt's Community Kitchen | Emsworth | | | |
Project 123: Pavement Access between St Leonards Ave and St Margarets Rd | Hayling East | | | |
Project 124: Storey Community Garden | Battins | | | |
Project 125: SRMP Bankers APP/14/00420 | | | | |
Project 126: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00142 | | | | |
Project 127: Extension Waterlooville Bowling Club House | Waterloo | | | |
Project 128: High Performance Warm Roof at Waterlooville Men’s Shed | Cowplain | | | |
Project 129: Leigh Park Baptist Church Sports Hall Flooring | Battins | | | |
Project 130: Leigh Park Bowls Club Extension | Bondfields | | | |
Project 131: Refurbishment of Waterlooville Recreation Ground Play Area | Waterloo | | | |
Project 132: Refurbishment of Emsworth Rec Play Area | Emsworth | | | |
Project 133: Scratchface Lane Park Funding | Bedhampton | | | |
Project 134: Hayling FCERM Strategy | | | | |
Project 135: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01045 | | | | |
Project 136: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00375 | | | | |
Project 137: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00407 | | | | |
Project 138: SRMS Bankers APP/16/00774 | | | | |
Project 139: SRMS Mon Fee transfer APP/19/01230 | | | | |
Project 140: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/19/01190 | | | | |
Project 141: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/18/01138 | | | | |
Project 142: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/19/00020 | | | | |
Project 143: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/18/00885 | | | | |
Project 144: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/17/01274 | | | | |
Project 145: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/18/00593 | | | | |
Project 146: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/18/00715 | | | | |
Project 147: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/17/00651 | | | | |
Project 148: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/17/01136 | | | | |
Project 149: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/17/01140 | | | | |
Project 150: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/18/00708 | | | | |
Project 151: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/18/01174 | | | | |
Project 152: SRMS Monitoring Fee APP/19/00025 | | | | |
Project 153: CIL Admin transfer year end 2020 onwards | | | | |
Project 154: SRMS Bankers APP/15/01235 | | | | |
Project 155: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00756 | | | | |
Project 156: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00447 | | | | |
Project 157: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00519 | | | | |
Project 158: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00613 | | | | |
Project 159: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00958 | | | | |
Project 160: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01204 | | | | |
Project 161: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00870 | | | | |
Project 162: SRMS Bankers APP/19/01161 | | | | |
Project 163: Brent House Affordable Housing Scheme | Barncroft | | Leigh Park | |
Project 164: Nutrient Neutral (Main Payment) Commitments collected to 31/3/23 | | | | |
Project 165: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00764 | | | | |
Project 166: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00931 | | | | |
Project 167: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00244 | | | | |
Project 168: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00596 | | | | |
Project 169: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00021 | | | | |
Project 170: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00297 | | | | |
Project 171: SRMS Bankers APP/19/00686 | | | | |
Project 173: Community Worker Payment - Woodcroft Farm | | | | |
Project 174: Refurbishment Emsworth Recreation Ground Pavilion | Emsworth | | | |
Project 175: SRMP Bankers APP/15/01435 | | | | |
Project 176: SRMS Bankers APP/18/01276 | | | | |
Project 177: SRMS Bankers APP/18/00450 | | | | |
Project 178: SRMS Bankers APP/18/001206 | | | | |
Project 179: Artificial Turf Various Schemes (S106) | | | | |
Project 180: Nutrient Neutral Monitoring Fees 2021 | | | | |
Project 181: Nutrient Neutral/SRMS Monitoring Fees 2022 | | | | |
Project 182: SRMS Monitoring Fees Q4 2021 and Q1 2022 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 183: S106 Monitoring Fees 2019 to 31 March 2022 | | | | |
Project 184: New Concrete Skate Provision on Hayling Island | | | | |
Project 185: Preliminary Works to Improve Grass Rugby Pitches, Hooks Lane | | | | |
Project 186: Tennis Court Refurbishment (2019) | | | | |
Project 187: Traffic Regulation Orders 2021 | | | | |
Project 188: Havant Rugby Club Artificial Grass Pitch Project | | | | |
Project 190: Hampshire Farm Open Space Maintenance until 31 March 22 | | | | |
Project 191: Acorn Community Centre Extension (Project Delivery) | | | | |
Project 192: Age Concern Hayling Island Building Renovations | Hayling East | | | |
Project 193: Artificial Cricket Pitch at Bidbury Mead, Bedhampton Mariners Cricket Club | Bedhampton | | | |
Project 194: Citizens Advice Centre and Help Hub | St Faith's | | | |
Project 195: Surgery Fit Out Upgrade Emsworth Surgery | Emsworth | | | |
Project 197: Elstead Gardens to Ladybridge Road Path | Purbrook | | | |
Project 198: Energy Efficiency Improvements at The Spring Arts Centre | St Faith's | | | |
Project 200: Enhanced Access for People with Disabilities at 3rd Hayling Scout Group | Hayling East | | | |
Project 201: Widbrook Utd - Bartons Green Store Room Doors | Bondfields | | | |
Project 202: YMCA Emsworth, Redlands Grange | Emsworth | | | |
Project 203: Community Worker Funds MDA | | | | |
Project 204: Employment Skills Training | Battins | | Leigh Park | |
Project 208: Art (Balance of Art Contribution) MDA | | | | |
Project 210: London Road Purbrook Improvements | | | | |
Project 211: Hampshire County Council Transport Funds being transferred to Hampshire County Council | | | | |
Project 212: SRMS Monitoring Fees Q2 2022 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 213: Traffic Regulation Orders 2022 | | | | |
Project 214: SRMS Transfers to bankers Q4 2021 (financial year) | | | | |
Project 215: Waterlooville Leisure Centre Extension Works | | | | |
Project 217: SRMS Transfers to Bankers Q1 2022 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 218: Hayling Island Beach Volleyball Court | | | | |
Project 219: Havant Park Pathway Improvements | St Faith's | | | |
Project 220: Greywell Car Park Sustainable Drainage | Battins | | Leigh Park | |
Project 222: SRMS Transfers to Bankers Q2 2022 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 223: Health Contributions to be transferred to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (up to 31st March 2023) | | | | |
Project 224: SINC Contribution in association with Mitigation Land (Set up Costs) - APP/19/00768 | Emsworth | | | |
Project 225: Wintering Bird Mitigation Area or SWBGS Funds | | | | |
Project 226: Purbrook Heath Drainage System | Purbrook | | | |
Project 227: SRMS Monitoring Fees Q3 2022 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 228: SRMS Transfers to Bankers Q3 2022 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 229: Community Worker Funds - Forty Acres | | | | |
Project 230: Community Worker Payment Land at Lower Road | | | | |
Project 231: Community Worker Payment Land at Sinah Lane | | | | |
Project 233: SRMS Admin Fees 2022 and 2023 | | | | |
Project 234: Potential Site Location Research Homeless Pods | | | | |
Project 235: Nutrient Neutral/SRMP/S Monitoring Fees 2023 | | | | |
Project 236: SRMS Transfers to Bankers Q4 2022 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 237: Park Road South Environmental Improvements TCF | | | | |
Project 241: Tennis Court Refurbishment Project 2022 | | | | |
Project 244: S106 Monitoring Fees Drawn Down 2023/4 | | | | |
Project 246: Bidbury Mead Play Area Refurbishment | Bedhampton | | | |
Project 247: Front Lawn Play Area Refurbishment | Battins | | | |
Project 248: SRMS Monitoring Fees Q1 2023 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 249: SRMS Transfers to Bankers Q1 2023 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 250: Community Worker Funds - Castle Ave | | | | |
Project 252: Spencers Field Play Area | Emsworth | | | |
Project 254: Horizon Community Health Hub | | | | |
Project 258: SRMS Transfers to Bankers Q2 2023 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 261: Estates Maintenance Fund | | | | |
Project 262: SRMS Transfers to Bankers Q3 2023 Financial Year | | | | |
Project 263: Eastoke Corner Footpath Improvements | Hayling East | | Hayling Island | |
Project 265: Health Contributions to be transferred to Health Contributions to be transferred to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (up to 31st Marc | | | | |
Project 268: S106 Monitoring Fees 2024 | | | | |
Project 269: Nutrient Neutral/SRMS Monitoring Fees 2024 | | | | |
Project 270: Nutrient Neutral (Main Payment) Commitments collected from 1/4/23 | | | | |
Project 271: Main SRMS funds t/f to bankers Q4 2023 | | | | |
Project 272: Grow it Cook it Eat it | Battins | | | |
Project 276: Eastoke Corner Play Park Refurbishment | Hayling East | | | |
Project 278: DDA Compliant Path with Lighting Gauntletts Park | Purbrook | | Waterlooville | |
Project 280: Relocation of HEH MIND to The Meridian Centre | St Faith's | | | |
Project 285: Main SRMS funds t/f to bankers Q1 2024 | | | | |
Project 286: Main SRMS funds t/f to bankers Q2 2024 | | | | |
Project 287: Removal and Replacement of Swing Frame at Longwood Park | Cowplain | | Waterlooville | |
Project 288: Extension to safety surfacing within Play Area at Emsworth Recreation Ground | Emsworth | | Emsworth | |
Project 289: New Fencing Around Mengham Park Play Area | Hayling East | | Hayling Island | |
Project 290: Waterlooville Regeneration Infrastructure Interventions | Waterloo | | | |
Project 298: SRMS Admin and Monitoring 2021 and before | | | | |
Project 300: Main SRMS funds t/f to bankers Q3 & Q4 2024 | | | | |
Project 306: Changing Places Facilities | | | | |
Project 307: Northney Drainage | | | | |
Project 308: Hayling Island Seafront Signage Refresh | | | | |
Project 309: Hayling Seafront Boardwalks | | | | |
Project 310: Main SRMS funds t/f to bankers Q1 2025 | | | | |
Project 311: S106 Monitoring Fees 2025 | | | | |
Project 312: Nutrient Neutral (Main Payment) Commitments collected from 1/4/24 to 31/3/25 | | | | |
Project 313: Nutrient Neutral/SRMS Monitoring Fees 2025 | | | | |
Project 314: Community Worker Payment Camp Field | | | | |
Project 315: Cowplain Recreation Ground Play Area Refurbishment | Cowplain | | | |
Project 316: Refurbishment of Avenue Road Play Area, Hayling Island | Hayling West | | | |
Project 317: S106 Monitoring Fees to be Drawn Down 2024/5 | | | | |
Project 319: Bartons Green Basketball Court Upgrade | Leigh Park Central and West Leigh | | | |
Project 320: Cowplain Activity Centre Lighting | Cowplain | | | |
Project 321: Cycle Parking Stands to Encourage Cycling in Havant | | | | |
Project 322: Fraser Rd Lighting Phase 2 Contingency | Bedhampton | | Havant and Bedhampton | |
Project 323: Cycle Signage in Partnership with Cycle Hayling | St Faith's, Hayling East, Hayling West | | | |
Project 324: SRMP t/f to Partnership Q3 19/20 | | | | |
Project 325: TRO Funds for Transfer to Hampshire County Council 1/4/24 onwards | | | | |
Project 326: Upgrade Path to the South of Legion Field | Hayling East | | | |
Project 327: Main SRMP/S funds t/f to bankers Q2 2025 | | | | |
Project 328: Replacement for Groyne 3 Aid to Navigation | | | Hayling Island | |
Project 329: Safety Improvements to Cowplain Rec Entrance | | | | |
Project 330: Play Area Improvement Programme | | | | |
Project 331: Acquisition and fit out of temporary accommodation - 7 London Road, Widley and 54 Stockheath Road, Leigh Park | | | | |