Welcome to SDNPA Live Database

This module will allow you to see the planning data from South Downs National Park Authority in an interface powered by EXACOM    . All information shown here has been approved by South Downs National Park Authority, and the extent of the information available to the public is also controlled entirely by the authority. Key features include the local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) dashboard, the Section 106 dashboard, and the application lookup facility. Below is a message from South Downs National Park Authority:

Message from South Downs National Park Authority  

Welcome to our CIL/S106 Live Database, showing both the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 Obligation data for the South Downs National Park.

This site provide the most up-to-date information regarding the collection and spending of CIL and Section 106 obligations (this site updates daily).

The data on this site can be filtered by Parish and/or over a date range of your choosing.

Please refer to our user guide and further information below before using this database.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The data available covers the period from when CIL was introduced within the South Downs National Park on 1 April 2017 onwards.

Please note, the payment of CIL is triggered by commencement of development and payments may be made by instalment in accordance with the Authority's adopted payment Instalment Policy.

Section 106 Obligations

The data available covers the details of Section 106 legal agreements, (referred to as obligation), secured since the creation of the South Downs National Park Authority on 1 April 2011.

The Section 106 data on this site is split between 'financial' and 'non-financial' obligations.


This site also provides a 'look up' facility for relevant planning application, (i.e. those with Section 106 Legal Agreements and/or have a CIL liability).


Further information on CIL and Section 106 Obligation can be found on our website here, including the Authority's CIL Charging Schedule, current rates, how to make a payment (including our payment instalment policy) and the process for applying for Section 106 and CIL funding.

In addition, the SDNPA's Infrastructure Business Plan, (which incorporates the Infrastructure Funding Statement), sets out our current understanding of the infrastructure needed to support the growth in the South Downs National Park, how much money we have received through CIL and Section 106 agreements, what it has been allocated to or spent on, (i.e. infrastructure projects we intend to fund or have funded), and what remain unspent. This document is updated annually.


If you have any queries regarding CIL or Section 106 obligations within the South Downs National Park, please email cil@southdowns.gov.uk

Last updated: 17 October 2024 17:30:28 (UK)