Welcome to East Hants PFM
This module will allow you to see the planning data from East Hampshire District Council in an interface powered by EXACOM . All information shown here has been approved by East Hampshire District Council, and the extent of the information available to the public is also controlled entirely by the authority. Key features include the local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) dashboard, the Section 106 dashboard, the application lookup facility, and the CIL calculator. Below is a message from East Hampshire District Council:
Message from East Hampshire District Council
Welcome to our Live Developer Contributions Database, where you will find our income and expenditure for Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 contributions.
Our S106 data is largely complete, however we still have a few historic items still under review which will be added to this data as soon as reasonably practicable.
Please note that the site automatically updates every evening.
We have compiled a comprehensive guidance document to enable the optimum use of this tool. You can access the guidance document here
Last updated: 03 December 2024 17:09:24 (UK)