Welcome to East Devon PFM
This module will allow you to see the planning data from East Devon in an interface powered by EXACOM . All information shown here has been approved by East Devon, and the extent of the information available to the public is also controlled entirely by the authority. Key features include the local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) dashboard, the Section 106 dashboard, and the application lookup facility. Below is a message from East Devon:
Message from East Devon
Welcome to the East Devon Developer Contributions module. From here you can view the developer contributions both financial and non-financial in relation to the specific development proposals that they relate to but also collectively by contribution type, ward, parish or town. By using the tabs and search fields you can search these options and view the status of contributions. All enquirers seeking information about planning obligations should view the data through this module, although please note that the data is constantly being updated and so the results of your enquiry will change over time. If you are a representative of a town or parish council or other community group looking to deliver projects in your community using Section 106 or CIL money then please ensure that you contact us on Tel: 01404 515616.
Last updated: 10 December 2024 17:25:27 (UK)